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ImpCallable module-attribute

ImpCallable = Callable[
    [A], Union[float, Tuple[float, Dict[str, Any]]]

Signature of feedback implementations.

Those take in any number of arguments and return either a single float or a float and a dictionary (of metadata).

AggCallable module-attribute

AggCallable = Callable[
    [Union[Iterable[float], Iterable[Tuple[float, float]]]],

Signature of aggregation functions.



Bases: Exception

Raised when evaluating a feedback function implementation to skip it so it is not aggregated with other non-skipped results.


Optional reason for why this evaluation was skipped.

TYPE: Optional[str] DEFAULT: None


The Feedback instance this run corresponds to.

TYPE: Optional[Feedback] DEFAULT: None


The arguments to this run.

TYPE: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] DEFAULT: None


Bases: Exception

Raised when a selector names something that is missing in a record/app.


Bases: FeedbackDefinition

Feedback function container.

Typical usage is to specify a feedback implementation function from a Provider and the mapping of selectors describing how to construct the arguments to the implementation:

from trulens.core import Feedback
from trulens.providers.huggingface import Huggingface
hugs = Huggingface()

# Create a feedback function from a provider:
feedback = Feedback(
    hugs.language_match # the implementation
).on_input_output() # selectors shorthand
tru_class_info instance-attribute
tru_class_info: Class

Class information of this pydantic object for use in deserialization.

Using this odd key to not pollute attribute names in whatever class we mix this into. Should be the same as CLASS_INFO.

implementation class-attribute instance-attribute
implementation: Optional[Union[Function, Method]] = None

Implementation serialization.

aggregator class-attribute instance-attribute
aggregator: Optional[Union[Function, Method]] = None

Aggregator method serialization.

combinations class-attribute instance-attribute

Mode of combining selected values to produce arguments to each feedback function call.

feedback_definition_id instance-attribute
feedback_definition_id: FeedbackDefinitionID = (

Id, if not given, uniquely determined from content.

if_exists class-attribute instance-attribute
if_exists: Optional[Lens] = None

Only execute the feedback function if the following selector names something that exists in a record/app.

Can use this to evaluate conditionally on presence of some calls, for example. Feedbacks skipped this way will have a status of FeedbackResultStatus.SKIPPED.

if_missing class-attribute instance-attribute

How to handle missing parameters in feedback function calls.

run_location instance-attribute

Where the feedback evaluation takes place (e.g. locally, at a Snowflake server, etc).

selectors instance-attribute
selectors: Dict[str, Lens]

Selectors; pointers into Records of where to get arguments for imp.

supplied_name class-attribute instance-attribute
supplied_name: Optional[str] = None

An optional name. Only will affect displayed tables.

higher_is_better class-attribute instance-attribute
higher_is_better: Optional[bool] = None

Feedback result magnitude interpretation.

imp class-attribute instance-attribute

Implementation callable.

A serialized version is stored at FeedbackDefinition.implementation.

agg class-attribute instance-attribute

Aggregator method for feedback functions that produce more than one result.

A serialized version is stored at FeedbackDefinition.aggregator.

examples class-attribute instance-attribute
examples: Optional[List[Tuple]] = examples

Examples to use when evaluating the feedback function.

criteria class-attribute instance-attribute
criteria: Optional[str] = criteria

Criteria for the feedback function.

min_score_val class-attribute instance-attribute
min_score_val: Optional[int] = min_score_val

Minimum score value for the feedback function.

max_score_val class-attribute instance-attribute
max_score_val: Optional[int] = max_score_val

Maximum score value for the feedback function.

temperature class-attribute instance-attribute
temperature: Optional[float] = temperature

Temperature parameter for the feedback function.

groundedness_configs class-attribute instance-attribute
groundedness_configs: Optional[GroundednessConfigs] = (

Optional groundedness configuration parameters.

sig property
sig: Signature

Signature of the feedback function implementation.

name property
name: str

Name of the feedback function.

Derived from the name of the function implementing it if no supplied name provided.

__rich_repr__() -> Result

Requirement for pretty printing using the rich package.

load staticmethod
load(obj, *args, **kwargs)

Deserialize/load this object using the class information in tru_class_info to lookup the actual class that will do the deserialization.

model_validate classmethod
model_validate(*args, **kwargs) -> Any

Deserialized a jsonized version of the app into the instance of the class it was serialized from.


This process uses extra information stored in the jsonized object and handled by WithClassInfo.

on_input_output() -> Feedback

Specifies that the feedback implementation arguments are to be the main app input and output in that order.

Returns a new Feedback object with the specification.

on_default() -> Feedback

Specifies that one argument feedbacks should be evaluated on the main app output and two argument feedbacks should be evaluates on main input and main output in that order.

Returns a new Feedback object with this specification.

evaluate_deferred staticmethod
    session: TruSession,
    limit: Optional[int] = None,
    shuffle: bool = False,
    run_location: Optional[FeedbackRunLocation] = None,
) -> List[Tuple[Series, Future[FeedbackResult]]]

Evaluates feedback functions that were specified to be deferred.

Returns a list of tuples with the DB row containing the Feedback and initial FeedbackResult as well as the Future which will contain the actual result.


The maximum number of evals to start.

TYPE: Optional[int] DEFAULT: None


Shuffle the order of the feedbacks to evaluate.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


Only run feedback functions with this run_location.

TYPE: Optional[FeedbackRunLocation] DEFAULT: None

Constants that govern behavior:

  • TruSession.RETRY_RUNNING_SECONDS: How long to time before restarting a feedback that was started but never failed (or failed without recording that fact).

  • TruSession.RETRY_FAILED_SECONDS: How long to wait to retry a failed feedback.

    func: Optional[AggCallable] = None,
    combinations: Optional[FeedbackCombinations] = None,
) -> Feedback

Specify the aggregation function in case the selectors for this feedback generate more than one value for implementation argument(s). Can also specify the method of producing combinations of values in such cases.

Returns a new Feedback object with the given aggregation function and/or the given combination mode.

on_prompt(arg: Optional[str] = None) -> Feedback

Create a variant of self that will take in the main app input or "prompt" as input, sending it as an argument arg to implementation.

on_response(arg: Optional[str] = None) -> Feedback

Create a variant of self that will take in the main app output or "response" as input, sending it as an argument arg to implementation.

on(*args, **kwargs) -> Feedback

Create a variant of self with the same implementation but the given selectors. Those provided positionally get their implementation argument name guessed and those provided as kwargs get their name from the kwargs key.

    app: Union[AppDefinition, JSON],
    record: Record,
    source_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    warning: bool = False,
) -> bool

Check that the selectors are valid for the given app and record.


The app that produced the record.

TYPE: Union[AppDefinition, JSON]


The record that the feedback will run on. This can be a mostly empty record for checking ahead of producing one. The utility method App.dummy_record is built for this purpose.

TYPE: Record


Additional data to select from when extracting feedback function arguments.

TYPE: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] DEFAULT: None


Issue a warning instead of raising an error if a selector is invalid. As some parts of a Record cannot be known ahead of producing it, it may be necessary to not raise exception here and only issue a warning.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


True if the selectors are valid. False if not (if warning is set).


If a selector is invalid and warning is not set.

    app: Optional[Union[AppDefinition, JSON]] = None,
    record: Optional[Record] = None,
    source_data: Optional[Dict] = None,
    **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]
) -> FeedbackResult

Run the feedback function on the given record. The app that produced the record is also required to determine input/output argument names.


The app that produced the record. This can be AppDefinition or a jsonized AppDefinition. It will be jsonized if it is not already.

TYPE: Optional[Union[AppDefinition, JSON]] DEFAULT: None


The record to evaluate the feedback on.

TYPE: Optional[Record] DEFAULT: None


Additional data to select from when extracting feedback function arguments.

TYPE: Optional[Dict] DEFAULT: None


Any additional keyword arguments are used to set or override selected feedback function inputs.

TYPE: Dict[str, Any] DEFAULT: {}


A FeedbackResult object with the result of the feedback function.

    app: Optional[Union[AppDefinition, JSON]] = None,
    record: Optional[Record] = None,
    source_data: Optional[Dict] = None,
) -> Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]

Given the app that produced the given record, extract from record the values that will be sent as arguments to the implementation as specified by self.selectors. Additional data to select from can be provided in source_data. All args are optional. If a Record is specified, its calls are laid out as app (see layout_calls_as_app).


Bases: Feedback

Similar to the parent class Feedback except this ensures the feedback is run only on the Snowflake server.

tru_class_info instance-attribute
tru_class_info: Class

Class information of this pydantic object for use in deserialization.

Using this odd key to not pollute attribute names in whatever class we mix this into. Should be the same as CLASS_INFO.

implementation class-attribute instance-attribute
implementation: Optional[Union[Function, Method]] = None

Implementation serialization.

aggregator class-attribute instance-attribute
aggregator: Optional[Union[Function, Method]] = None

Aggregator method serialization.

examples class-attribute instance-attribute
examples: Optional[List[Tuple]] = examples

Examples to use when evaluating the feedback function.

criteria class-attribute instance-attribute
criteria: Optional[str] = criteria

Criteria for the feedback function.

combinations class-attribute instance-attribute

Mode of combining selected values to produce arguments to each feedback function call.

feedback_definition_id instance-attribute
feedback_definition_id: FeedbackDefinitionID = (

Id, if not given, uniquely determined from content.

if_exists class-attribute instance-attribute
if_exists: Optional[Lens] = None

Only execute the feedback function if the following selector names something that exists in a record/app.

Can use this to evaluate conditionally on presence of some calls, for example. Feedbacks skipped this way will have a status of FeedbackResultStatus.SKIPPED.

if_missing class-attribute instance-attribute

How to handle missing parameters in feedback function calls.

selectors instance-attribute
selectors: Dict[str, Lens]

Selectors; pointers into Records of where to get arguments for imp.

supplied_name class-attribute instance-attribute
supplied_name: Optional[str] = None

An optional name. Only will affect displayed tables.

higher_is_better class-attribute instance-attribute
higher_is_better: Optional[bool] = None

Feedback result magnitude interpretation.

name property
name: str

Name of the feedback function.

Derived from the name of the function implementing it if no supplied name provided.

imp class-attribute instance-attribute

Implementation callable.

A serialized version is stored at FeedbackDefinition.implementation.

agg class-attribute instance-attribute

Aggregator method for feedback functions that produce more than one result.

A serialized version is stored at FeedbackDefinition.aggregator.

min_score_val class-attribute instance-attribute
min_score_val: Optional[int] = min_score_val

Minimum score value for the feedback function.

max_score_val class-attribute instance-attribute
max_score_val: Optional[int] = max_score_val

Maximum score value for the feedback function.

temperature class-attribute instance-attribute
temperature: Optional[float] = temperature

Temperature parameter for the feedback function.

groundedness_configs class-attribute instance-attribute
groundedness_configs: Optional[GroundednessConfigs] = (

Optional groundedness configuration parameters.

sig property
sig: Signature

Signature of the feedback function implementation.

__rich_repr__() -> Result

Requirement for pretty printing using the rich package.

load staticmethod
load(obj, *args, **kwargs)

Deserialize/load this object using the class information in tru_class_info to lookup the actual class that will do the deserialization.

model_validate classmethod
model_validate(*args, **kwargs) -> Any

Deserialized a jsonized version of the app into the instance of the class it was serialized from.


This process uses extra information stored in the jsonized object and handled by WithClassInfo.

on_input_output() -> Feedback

Specifies that the feedback implementation arguments are to be the main app input and output in that order.

Returns a new Feedback object with the specification.

on_default() -> Feedback

Specifies that one argument feedbacks should be evaluated on the main app output and two argument feedbacks should be evaluates on main input and main output in that order.

Returns a new Feedback object with this specification.

evaluate_deferred staticmethod
    session: TruSession,
    limit: Optional[int] = None,
    shuffle: bool = False,
    run_location: Optional[FeedbackRunLocation] = None,
) -> List[Tuple[Series, Future[FeedbackResult]]]

Evaluates feedback functions that were specified to be deferred.

Returns a list of tuples with the DB row containing the Feedback and initial FeedbackResult as well as the Future which will contain the actual result.


The maximum number of evals to start.

TYPE: Optional[int] DEFAULT: None


Shuffle the order of the feedbacks to evaluate.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


Only run feedback functions with this run_location.

TYPE: Optional[FeedbackRunLocation] DEFAULT: None

Constants that govern behavior:

  • TruSession.RETRY_RUNNING_SECONDS: How long to time before restarting a feedback that was started but never failed (or failed without recording that fact).

  • TruSession.RETRY_FAILED_SECONDS: How long to wait to retry a failed feedback.

    func: Optional[AggCallable] = None,
    combinations: Optional[FeedbackCombinations] = None,
) -> Feedback

Specify the aggregation function in case the selectors for this feedback generate more than one value for implementation argument(s). Can also specify the method of producing combinations of values in such cases.

Returns a new Feedback object with the given aggregation function and/or the given combination mode.

on_prompt(arg: Optional[str] = None) -> Feedback

Create a variant of self that will take in the main app input or "prompt" as input, sending it as an argument arg to implementation.

on_response(arg: Optional[str] = None) -> Feedback

Create a variant of self that will take in the main app output or "response" as input, sending it as an argument arg to implementation.

on(*args, **kwargs) -> Feedback

Create a variant of self with the same implementation but the given selectors. Those provided positionally get their implementation argument name guessed and those provided as kwargs get their name from the kwargs key.

    app: Union[AppDefinition, JSON],
    record: Record,
    source_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    warning: bool = False,
) -> bool

Check that the selectors are valid for the given app and record.


The app that produced the record.

TYPE: Union[AppDefinition, JSON]


The record that the feedback will run on. This can be a mostly empty record for checking ahead of producing one. The utility method App.dummy_record is built for this purpose.

TYPE: Record


Additional data to select from when extracting feedback function arguments.

TYPE: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] DEFAULT: None


Issue a warning instead of raising an error if a selector is invalid. As some parts of a Record cannot be known ahead of producing it, it may be necessary to not raise exception here and only issue a warning.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


True if the selectors are valid. False if not (if warning is set).


If a selector is invalid and warning is not set.

    app: Optional[Union[AppDefinition, JSON]] = None,
    record: Optional[Record] = None,
    source_data: Optional[Dict] = None,
    **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]
) -> FeedbackResult

Run the feedback function on the given record. The app that produced the record is also required to determine input/output argument names.


The app that produced the record. This can be AppDefinition or a jsonized AppDefinition. It will be jsonized if it is not already.

TYPE: Optional[Union[AppDefinition, JSON]] DEFAULT: None


The record to evaluate the feedback on.

TYPE: Optional[Record] DEFAULT: None


Additional data to select from when extracting feedback function arguments.

TYPE: Optional[Dict] DEFAULT: None


Any additional keyword arguments are used to set or override selected feedback function inputs.

TYPE: Dict[str, Any] DEFAULT: {}


A FeedbackResult object with the result of the feedback function.

    app: Optional[Union[AppDefinition, JSON]] = None,
    record: Optional[Record] = None,
    source_data: Optional[Dict] = None,
) -> Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]

Given the app that produced the given record, extract from record the values that will be sent as arguments to the implementation as specified by self.selectors. Additional data to select from can be provided in source_data. All args are optional. If a Record is specified, its calls are laid out as app (see layout_calls_as_app).